Thursday, November 20, 2008

Portland, OR

Where am I? Portland, OR

Hotel: Vintage Plaza Hotel (

Dates: 11.17-11.19.08

I arrived in Portland on Monday the 17th after a fairly long two and half hour flight.
It wasn't too cold, which was good because I decided to leave my big new coat at home. I rented my car and set my GPS to find my hotel.
After my GPS sent got me a little lost in all the one way streets of downtown Portland, I called the hotel. They got me to the hotel just fine and I entered to check in.
I have to say that this hotel was BEAUTIFUL! At first site I was in love. It was definitely an older building, but re-vamped to look exquisite. Red velvet couches and wood burning fireplaces, deep wood all around with beautiful rugs and carpeting. So lush!
The staff at this hotel was beyond helpful and friendly and they even had Georgie their resident canine who greeted all the canine guests that arrived at this pet friendly hotel. She was adorable and always dressed in the cutest little doggie fashions!
So I get my room and head on up. Open up the door to a very large room with 2 double beds, a little sitting area with two plush green velvet chairs and a table, 2 floor to ceiling windows and the tallest ceiling I've seen in a hotel ever! I had a desk, a TV, and best and unique of all... a little stuffed bear named Rocky! I so badly wanted to take him home at the end of my trip, but he was a bit pricey! Oh, and some really cool robes in the closet! Leopard!
I honestly can't say enough nice things about this hotel... the most helpful and best staff ever!

So, after ohh-ing and aw-ing over the room, I went back downstairs and decided to walk around downtown for a bit. I grabbed a gingerbread latte from Peet's Coffee ( to warm up and just walked. I did get a bit of harassment from some local homeless peeps asking for money, 1 guy that wanted me to sponsor a foreign child, a guy that wanted me to come on over and "chat at him".

Finally I decided I was hungry and stopped to eat at a little Thai place next to my hotel. I can't remember the name of it, but I had an amazing bartender/waiter taking care of me and he was super nice and since I was the only person in the bar at the time I got first person service! The food itself was pretty damn good. I had my usual Thai meal of Chicken Pineapple Fried Rice and I tried their veggie rolls. I seriously had to stop myself because I was so full, but so badly wanted to finish it off since I knew that I couldn't warm it back up as left-overs later!

The next day, I decided that since I didn't work till later in the afternoon, I would try a great breakfast place. I put a lot of thought and research on for the perfect breakfast place. Finally I found it... "breakfast at it's finest" said Citysearch... Sanborn's. I read the thirty-something reviews all of which are great or pretty good and set off for my 15 minute drive over there. I arrive, park, and walk up to the door and notice it is closed... for vacation! I was so mad and sad that I would never get to try the finest breakfast in Portland!

So I ended up at Mother's (another citysearch favorite) ( I had an amazing pair of buttermilk pancakes and an egg. The coffee was even good.

After that, I headed out to the mall I was training at that night and shopped for a bit... where I learned that Portland has NO SALES TAX!!! What?!? Seriously. What it says on the price tag is the price you actually pay... couldn't believe it!

After working I had a late dinner at Mama Mia! (Citysearch's best Italian-Portland) ( Had a delicious Caprese salad and Ravioli and was spent for the night. This place was definitely another A+!

That was pretty much it for Portland, I had a great time in my awesome hotel and highly recommend it to anyone staying in the Portland area. I really hope to make it back there someday because I REALLY loved it! Next time I also plan on seeing more of the city!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

love all the restaurant locales. i'm getting hungry just reading it all.