Monday, November 3, 2008

A Beautiful Day in Tucson

Where am I today? Tucson, AZ
Hotel: Westward Look Resort
Hello again,

It has been awhile since I've posted because I actually have had almost 2 weeks at home! No traveling, but don't worry, this month is FULL of travels.

Today I did the drive to Tucson, AZ and Carl decided to tag along for the fun. It was awesome to have him along for the drive and the drive ended up being great. Took a back way to stay off of the construction ridden I 10 and it was much better and more relaxing.

We arrived at the Westward Look Resort early and asked about checking in. Well, not only did we get checked in, but we got upgraded to a LOVELY SUITE!
The property is great and the room is even greater. A nice sofa and chair, desk, a soft King sized bed, a great huge mirror that I want to steal and a pretty amazing bathroom area including our very own robes! Yippee!

We had a not so great Mexican food experience at the local Las Margaritas, and no, we did not have magaritas. Then had a nap together. Then walked around a cool little Labyrinth maze thingy. And we just got back from a meal at the Outlook bar and grill where I had a $5 strong as hell martini. Weeeeee.

So now, we relax, because tomorrow I train and then we do the drive back in time to stand in line and VOTE!
I'm really excited for voting tomorrow and I hope you all go out and do your duty as Americans! It's all up to us people, so get it done!

Happy Voting and check back soon for my travels to Denver, Portland, and Vegas this month!
p.s. I'm still trying to figure out a great way to post this blog and make sure people are enjoying. So any format you would like to see or comments on how to better my travel blog... let me know! Thanks!


Unknown said...

i'm liking the pics. adding a random fact or 2 about where you are could be interesting...or a nice spot to visit for those who travel there often. If you eat can do a little review of the place.

I enjoy hearing about your trip and how you are enjoying/not enjoying it. Keep up the good blogging!

Unknown said...

waiting for the colorado post.